Month: July 2022

Anycast DNS: Definition & Benefits

You still don’t know what Anycast DNS is? If yes, don’t worry. In this article, we will explain its definition and how it functions. Then, finally, we will see its fundamental benefits. Let’s now explore this exciting topic.

What is Anycast DNS definition?

Anycast DNS is a DNS routing technique that uses several name servers to provide a single IP address. Anycast DNS is designed to distribute nameservers around various regions on the planet and offer users nearby servers. The nameserver with the same IP address nearest to the user when they request a domain will respond to their DNS query. The domain resolution process moves faster thanks to the query’s shorter route, which minimizes latency.

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What is the purpose of the Authoritative DNS server?

What is an Authoritative DNS server?

An authoritative DNS server (also known as an authoritative nameserver) holds the zone file containing DNS records (for A, AAAA, CNAME, TXT, etc.). It could be a domain registrar or a DNS hosting provider’s server.

Several authoritative servers cover various locations. They only respond to queries for the DNS zones they have set up.

Different answers from the Authoritative DNS server

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